OBGYN Associates Services
Gynecologic Services
Our providers pride themselves in complete gynecologic services for women of all generations. We offer annual well-women examinations. We provide in-office services such as:
- Colposcopy: for abnormal Pap smears
- Cryotherapy: for freezing of abnormal cells on the cervix
- LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure): for surgical removal of abnormal cells
- Sonohysterograms: sterile saline infusion into the uterus after ultrasound guidance to detect uterine wall abnormalities
- Infertility testing: follicle scanning and intrauterine inseminations
- Menopause management
- Incontinent disorder evaluation and surgical therapy
- Diagnosis and treatment of interstitial cystitis
- Adolescent gynecology: PMS management, contraceptive management (including IUD insertion), Gardasil injections
- Hormone Replacement Therapy (BioTE)
Gynecologic Surgical Services
- Hysteroscopic evaluation for uterine abnormalities
- Hysterectomy, total laparoscopic hysterectomy, laparoscopic vaginal hysterectomy, robotic hysterectomy, and single-site hysterectomy
- Evaluation of endometriosis, including extensive laparoscopic surgery, pelvic pain management and restoration of vaginal support
- Endometrial ablation
- Uterine fibroid management, including myomectomy
- Advanced laparoscopic/robotic surgery
Obstetrical Services
The Physicians and Midwives of OBGYN Associates are devoted to quality care to ensure the healthiest pregnancy possible. Before becoming pregnant, couples can have pre-conceptual counseling to optimize the chances of a healthy pregnancy. Once pregnancy is achieved, we can perform laboratory testing and ultrasound in our office to detect problems and fetal abnormalities.
We offer family-oriented low-risk obstetrical care. We manage high-risk obstetrical care, including management of gestational diabetes. We have an in-office ultrasound, fetal monitoring, sophisticated genetic screening for pregnancy, including PAPPA, nuchal translucency, and maternal serum AFP. We offer a 4-D ultrasound.
Nurse Midwife Services
The midwives of St. Francis OBGYN Associates provide a full range of women’s health care services, including routine gynecological exams, family planning services, preconception care, prenatal, birth, and postpartum care. Trained in both nursing and midwifery, midwives (sometimes also called “nurse-midwives”) are certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB).
The midwives work with the physicians of OBGYN Associates collaboratively to be sure that each woman’s health concerns are addressed, even if they have a gynecologic surgical need or develop a high-risk pregnancy condition.
Many of our patients choose and are assisted in having unmedicated births. For those who do not, we offer IV analgesia, and our excellent team of anesthesia professionals are available on the unit 24 hours a day to place epidurals for labor comfort. Our goal is for each woman to be able to have the birth experience she wants, with the focus first on quality and safety.
Providing excellent care in the community for almost 20 years, the midwives of St. Francis OBGYN Associates have assisted thousands of satisfied families who honor them by bringing their sisters, best friends, and daughters, for midwifery care.
What is a midwife?
Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) are licensed health care providers educated in nursing and midwifery. CNMs have graduated from college; they have passed a national examination, and they have a license to practice midwifery in the state in which they serve.
What do midwives do?
Midwives provide health care to women, including prenatal care, birth, care after birth, PAP screening and annual exams, birth control planning, preconception counseling, STI screenings, health counseling, and gynecologic services.
Why would I choose a midwife for care during my pregnancy?
Midwives specialize in providing support and education in pregnancy. Midwives are experts in knowing the difference between normal changes that occur during pregnancy and symptoms that require extra attention. Every step of the way, your midwife can assess your progress and make recommendations to help you maintain your best health, and hopefully deliver a healthy baby.
What if I want pain medication during labor?
If you think you want pain medication during labor, your midwife will give you information about the medicines available so you can decide what is right for you. We can utilize both IV analgesia options and epidural anesthesia for our clients.
Why would I choose a midwife over a traditional OB/GYN physician?
Midwife means “with woman.” It translates to a more holistic patient-centered approach, including more time at appointments, more emotional support, and a more open discussion about a birth plan. Midwives typically work with low-risk, healthy pregnancies. If a complication arises, the midwife has direct access to a physician for consultation and co-management of your care if needed.
What if I have a “high-risk” pregnancy or complication during labor?
If you have a pre-existing medical problem or complication during pregnancy or labor, your midwife will work with a doctor to make sure you get the safest care for you and your baby. Your midwife will also work with other health care providers, including nurses, social workers, nutritionists, childbirth educators, and physical therapists, to help you get the care you need.
Our midwives generally transfer patients to MD care at menopause or as needed for problem management before menopause.